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We are currently looking for a post-doc who is interested in construction of AID mutants or in mechanisms of genomic integrity. The candidate should be enthusiastic and can work with other lab members. The candidate having an experience of using stem cells is welcomed. For applying the JSPS fellowship, please write to Masato Kanemaki.

PhD and MS students

Students interested in the AID technology and gene editing are welcomed. As a student in SOKENDAI, it is possible to take our PhD program. If you are a student in another university, it is possible to work here as a collaborative or an intern student. Other information for international students/researchers can be seen at here.
From April 2022, it became possible to study in our lab as a graduate student of The University of Tokyo.



Assistant Prof. Yukosuke Yamaguchi has published a paper in Nature Communications as the first and co-corresponding author. In this paper, the contribution of UHRF1 to DNA methylation was analyzed in detail using the auxin-inducible degron technology. This research was conducted at the Defossez lab in Paris, and Prof. Kanemaki also participated as a collaborator.


Dr. Kosuke Yamaguchi has joined our lab as an assistant professor.


Our laboratory has published a new paper on the degron technology in bioRxiv. This is the result of a project led by graduate student Yuki Hatoyama and Moutushi Islam.


Professor Kanemaki received the 23rd Yamazaki Teiichi Prize. The award ceremony and acceptance lecture took place at GAKUSHIKAIKAN (Japanese Academy of Sciences) on February 28, 2024.



Our collaborative research findings have been published in Science. In this paper, we found that DONSON as a novel DNA replication factor essential for the formation of the CMG helicase during the replication initiation process. Our research group generated DONSON-degron cells. For more detailed information, please visit here.


Our collaborative research findings have been published in Nature. We provided degron cells of WAPL, which controls the amount of chromatin-bound cohesin.


Our PhD student, Yuki Hatoyama, gave an oral presentation at the 3R Workshop (Kyushu University) and received the Student Award. Congratulations!


A review article on the function of MCMBP has been published in Biochenical Society Transactions. A PhD student, Yuki Hatoyama, wrote this review paper as the first author.


The results of our joint work with Prof. David Cortez at Vanderbilt University have been published in Science. We revealed the RAD51-dependent reversed fork structure when the replication fork is arrested.